Update during Corona: A. from Horsa is worried about us old people..

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Hagit transferring telephone reporting from Horsa

Phone Report in Times of Corona
March 24, 2020
Hagit Back

I’ is concerned about us, elderly women…

Right in the middle of Hursa, Palestinian village inside Area A (supposedly under full Palestinian jurisdiction…) an Israeli army pillbox post was erected quite a while ago. From there the soldiers control the road to isolated settler-colony Negohot.

The road the one connecting road 60 to road 358.

I’, our friend whose home literally neighbors the pillbox post tells us that the soldier are still coming down and stopping the scant traffic still on the road. Most people are staying home now. The Palestinian Authority has imposed curfew and nearly everyone has been obeying it.

There is still food.

He is worried about us, old ladies…