Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan

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Ruthi Tuval, Marina Banai (reporting). Chana Stein translating.
מחסום טורה: איך מעבירים מתנה (שולחן) לבת בלי תיאום עם המת"ק
Tura Checkpoint: how do you transport a present for your daughter (a table) without checking first with the DCO?
Ruti Tuval


15:20. we traveled via Harish, passing the Barta’a checkpoint on the way to Ya’abed-Dotan checkpoint.

Next to the pillbox at the checkpoint stood a car full of soldiers. An officer approached us to ask who we were, and when we told him he said that was fine, but we should stand 50 meters awa from the checkpoint.

Traffic flowed until two women soldiers closed the lane in the direction of Jenin, and traffic in both directions had to use the same lane. The soldiers vanished, and then we realized there was a change of guard.

16:00. We leave the checkpoint and take note of the repair and improvement of the road to Mevo-Dotan. We continue to Barta’a-Rehan checkpoint. The checkpoint is half-full. The side door of one of the sleeves is open, which does not seem to bother the soldiers. It takes about ten minutes to pass from side to side.

16:40. Tura checkpoint

Our car is checked, and it takes us an extra 10 minutes to reach Tura checkpoint. At the checkpoint, a Palestinian wants to travel to A’anin with a table on his car’s roof. Soon afterwards he returns disappointed, refused. He is from Um Reihan, and his daughter is about to be married to a young man from A’anin. The table cost him 800 shekels, but he was not allowed to transport it here (perhaps they are afraid that it might be used for new peace talks).


A man passes in a Toyota Land Cruiser, stops near us and tells us that he has not been allowed to take three kilos of meat through the checkpoint (no doubt the kosher inspector did not allow it). He is a lecturer at Jenin University, and he asks, “What is going to happen? You are 7 million people. Where exactly do you want to get to? You have to get on with us, not so?” He gives the example of Kim Gong-Il, the North Korean leader, who easily murders people but pities animals, and compares him with Bibi (Netanyahu), who is cruel to the Palestinians