Falamiya North Checkpoint (914), Falamiya South Checkpoint (935)

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Karin Lindner (photos), Rachel Hayut (report); Translator: Tal H.

12:30 Azzun village, visiting Z. An army jeep is parked on the main road outside the village.

On the way to Jayous: armed women-soldiers inspecting a Palestinian vehicle.

12:55 Falamiya South (935) Checkpoint

13:05 A Military  Police half-truck arrives. 2 women soldiers and 2 men soldiers open the gatesinfo-icon. On our side were 2 tractors and 2 pedestrians who went to work in the fruit tree groves, as well as residents of the Bedouin village of Arab Al Ramadin located inside the seam-line zone. On the opposite side of the gate were 4 tractors and 2 private vehicles.

13:20 The soldiers closed the checkpoint.

We drove on to Falamiya North (914) Checkpoint.

13:30: The soldiers were already there, waiting inside their half-truck.

13:35 – the soldiers opened the gates. 9 tractors went through, one of them loaded with sacks of za’atar (thyme). Many workers including women crossed over on the platforms attached to tractors. Some crossed while riding their bicycles. They all greeted us.

13:50 – The soldiers locked the gates.

On our way back: a military vehicle was seen on the main road inside Azoun village.

Army and police are seen standing at the entrance to Azoun.

14:30 – Eliyahu Checkpoint (back into Israel-proper).

 Several Tractors waiting for Checkpoint 935 to open
Several Tractors waiting for Checkpoint 935 to open
Karin Lindner
Villagers from Arab Al Ramadin meet while crossing over to their village in the seam-line zone
Villagers from Arab Al Ramadin meet while crossing over to their village in the seam-line zone
Karin Lindner