South Hebron Hills

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Mira Balaban, Nina (Photographing), Hagit S.S. (reporting); Translator: Natanya

It was cloudy and rainy, and it was doubtful that children would come to the kindergarten. But about 10 children came..

Huda and Haula welcomed us with warmth, as did the children. Then Amneh joined us.

The children sat around one table - a few children, some small. Ritaj, Haula's daughtetr is already two years old. Unbelievable.

Subject of activity: Rhythmics, in relation to the weather and the wind. Odeda, a senior teacher of Rhythmics, taught the children rhythmics, combined with the development of a sense of rhythm and movement in space. She also taught a song in Arabic. For the operation, she used the accessories she had brought with her, sticks and handkerchiefs.

Then we learned rhythms, we tapped on and below the table, followed the instructions, danced with the kerchiefs. The attention and cooperation of the children and kindergarten teachers was impressive. We promised to bring the  translated song in Arabic next time.

There seems to be continuity even when we are not there.

Everyone was satisfied. As usual, we finished with a "tea hour" with the teachers. Let's hope that fund raising will work.

Hagit Sar Shalom
Hagit Sar Shalom