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Jessica Z., Tirtza A., Ronny P. and a guest

It was the 9th of the Month of Av and very hot. And so it was at the agricultural gate, in Arabic “Bawabe”. At the gate there were at the most 2 tractors waiting on the “Israeli” side and on the other side just us. The soldiers arrived with a slight delay and it was very important for them the under the “pressure” at the passage we should not disturb them.

We understood that it was possible that the heat affected them, as they were fully geared and uniformed.

On the other hand a few people who passed stopped to say that it was good we were there.  We are experienced and it is just clear to us that one has to appear routinely.

We also always meet somebody who requires from us phone numbers of organisations and individuals who can help them in the bureaucratic difficulties with which they have to cope daily.