Falamiya North Checkpoint (914), Falamiya South Checkpoint (935)

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Nora R., Hanna P. (reporting)

At Falamie we picked up a hitchhiker – a woman on her own, going to work in the fields.

Falamie North  05:40

It's cold... The waiting people wrap themselves up and crowd together in the old building, around an open fire. People who arrive now concentrate near the gate.

05:55 – the soldiers arrive. The tractors arrive. People come to harvest Za’ater and vegetables. We also saw tree plantings on a towed vehicle. All in all there were 12 tractors with big towed platforms, and one car.

Falamie South

The CP opened a week ago. Few people arrived and the new lane remained white. 8 small tractors passed. 

Completely frozen, we packed ourselves up. The gate of Azun was open.