'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Shosh Fried, Hannah Heller. Chana Stein translating.
Seriously? Does this make us safer?

According to the Military Police, farmers are not supposed to be well-dressed.

14:45. A’anin checkpoint

About 20 workers were waiting at the checkpoint entrance. They told us bitterly that this morning about 30 people were not allowed through “because they were not dressed in work clothes” or “because they were dressed too well for farming.”

At 14:50 the Military Police arrived and opened the checkpoint, and the workers started passing a few minutes later. 4 tractors – one loaded with scrap – pass quickly .Following them people pass, one by one, and passage is quick.

By 15:05 all had passed, and we left.

15:15. Turah checkpoint

A student returning from Jenin and two cars pass quickly. The checkpoint is empty and quiet. Pe'er, the driver, notices that there are many unopened yoghurt containers in the rubbish bin – what a waste!!!

15:30. Barta’a checkpoint

People walk up the sleeveinfo-icon towards the seamline zone. One of the young men , on the way to working second shift in Barta’a, tells us that about 2000 young people go each day to the D.C.O. at Salem to request work permits, but only 1000 received them.

At 15:40 the stream of workers returning to the West Bank becomes stronger. Passage is quick and there are no delays at the exit turnstile.