Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Muhammad and Ariela (reporting and photographing); Translator: Natany
ילדים וצעצועים במקטל אֻם סאלם

The parking lot at the Meitar checkpoint is packed with vehicles on both sides of the checkpoint.

Since the car was laden with toys for children we decided to drive to Maktal Umm Salem and Abu Safi, but first we also drove on Route 60 to try to track down the thirty caravans that were seen last week making their way south of Mount Hebron.

The outpost Mitzpe Ishtamua continues to expand and solar water heaters are already on the roofs. On the settlement's Facebook site, they are looking for more families who want to be part of a dream come true, pioneering, a quality community, a young atmosphere and a stunning view, only 10 minutes from Highway 6. According to the Wikipedia website in the community, there are currently about 15 families living there. We have been informed that the new caravans are in Eshtamoa'.

Cameras are installed at Samu' Junction.

We returned to Route 317, to Maktel Umm-Salem. The older children were not there because school started at the PA and they are in Samu' all week and only return on weekends to Dad and Mom. The little Adam and Yusuf remain at home  and were no longer afraid of me and were very happy about the toys they received.

We continued from there to Khirbet Ar-Radim, where  Abu Safi lives . From the road we noticed in the distance a row of new caravans at the Meitarim  and many  cranes working hard. Are these the caravans seen last week?

We met Abu Safi returning from the pasture, walking with the help of a walking stick. Here too the girls went back to school and we met only the little girls who are not yet studying and Rania who continues to surprise us with her wonderful paintings.

I was very happy that the 18-year-old Zeinab returned to her studies, which she left two years ago to help support the family. Abu Safi told me that studies are more important.

And again the story of the water returns. Abu Safi wants to connect to sources, like any settler trailer, for example Israel Kaplan, who is now extending his harassment to Abu Safi's daughters on their way to school.

Where is the Knesset Education Committee which  will decide that here too, as in Tuba, the army will accompany the girls.

On the way back we entered Meitarim.  A large sign announces the establishment of a business and service center for the well-being of the residents of the Southern Hebron Mountains. Indeed, the works are in progress.

And I wonder if this was done for the benefit of all the residents of Mount Hebron.