Beit Ummar, Etzion DCL, Gush Etzion, Tarqumiya

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya

From the Tarkumiya checkpoint we drove towards Beit Ummar. We met at the gas station with Omar who lives at the entrance to Beit Ummar and works as a refueler. Omar says that every evening around 19:00 two army jeeps set up a checkpoint and check vehicles entering and leaving the village. 

In addition, passers-by are interrogated on foot. From the Ramadan period to the present day the checkpoints in the evening have not been removed. 

At the District Coordination Office in Bethlehem (DCO Etzion), which is located in Gush Etzion and is opposite the settlement Alon Shvut, calm. The service is provided today without waiting inline and there are no complaints from the Palestinians. 

We left the Jab’ah checkpoint without interrogation and without delay in leaving the country.