Barta'a checkpoint: a great achievement to the occupation! no more overcrowding in the mornings

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Hannah Heller and Driver Pierre Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham

16.35 – 15.20

A’anin Checkpoint, 15:20

24 adults, a child, and a tractor carrying junk were waiting next to the open gate.  They greeted us with “good evening” but added that the situation was not good.  The soldiers arrived and opened the other two gatesinfo-icon of the checkpoint.  Today there were more soldiers because of the recent terrorist attack and the inspection in the morning, was more meticulous.  People crossed in groups of three and only the tractor was delayed for inspection.

The checkpoint closed at 15:40.

Tura Checkpoint, 15:50 (“Fabric of Life” checkpoint

A few pedestrians and vehicles crossed the checkpoint in both directions.  A family with several children and a month-old babyinfo-icon crossed to show the baby to the mother-in-law who lives in the seamline zone.  The separation barrier that created the seamline zone has resulted in separation of many families.  Students from the University of Jenin reported that the inspections in the morning and checkpoints opening late make them late for classes.

Barta’a Checkpoint 16:10

Women with shopping bags, students, and children were returning home to Barta’a from Jenin.  Workers were also returning home to the West Bank from work in the seamline zone and in Israel, but there was none of the commotion in the sleeveinfo-icon or in the lower parking lot that had been so common last year.   I asked the workers where they worked.  Most are returning from Israel, but in the morning they left through the checkpoints at Tibeh (Shaar Ephraim) or Jalameh (Gilboa).   One of them works in Atlit but leaves through Tibeh Checkpoint.  Another works in Caesarea but left through Jalameh (an hour’s ride).  Another works in Harish, but must leave by taking a taxi to Tibeh, where there is a large crowd in the morning in front of the turnstiles.  Most of them arrive late to work.  When they return home they are allowed to cross at Barta’a checkpoint that is close to where they live.  An Israeli who works at the checkpoint explained to me that there is an advantage to the drastic decrease in work permits and that the checkpoints are less crowded in the morning.  At 16:30 more workers arrived.