Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Ariela Slonim (reporting and photographing); Translator: Natanya

At Meitar Checkpoint everything is as usual. A police car stands in the road busy issuing  reports.

In the distance, new construction can be discerned in Tene Omarim. Also Meitariem, the industrial zone of the South Hebron Hills, is developing and we see a new factory under construction.

The entrances to Dahariya, Dura and Al Fawwar are open and we do not see an army prescence.

On the way, we saw many herds of sheep grazing peacefully.

At the spring before the crossroads of Dura-Al Fawwar  water is being drawn for the flocks and the field, irrigated with  water from the spring, is green.

Everything looks very pastoral but …when you turn your head you see the reality

We decided to go back through Hursa to see how the pillbox and the checkpoint are affecting the life of the people. Someone we met said the gate at the pillbox is always closed, also to pedestrians and small children. They are forced use a much longer route and the villagers complain about the traffic jams in the morning. But for the children of Negohot the way is open.

We came back through road 538 with the separation fence accompanies us all the way.

Herds of sheep grazing peacefully
Herds of sheep grazing peacefully
Ariela Slonim
At the spring before the crossroads of Dura-Al Fawwar  water is being drawn for the flocks
At the spring before the crossroads of Dura-Al Fawwar  water is being drawn for the flocks
Ariela Slonim
We came back through road 538 with the separation fence accompanies us all the way
We came back through road 538 with the separation fence accompanies us all the way
Ariela Slonim