Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Halhul, Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Mira Balaban(reporting) and Muhammad (also driver); Translator: Natanya

A rainy day. The rain line apparently passes a few hundred meters north of the Meitar checkpoint - heavy rain, fog throughout the shift.

There is already green vegetation after the rain, and even one almond tree is beginning to blossom.

I have not been in Hebron since the summer. The overall impression is that the Big Brother is strengthening his grip in a quiet but continuous way.

Good deed: We took a woman with a babyinfo-icon, who stood by the side of the road near Dahariya and brought her to her parents' home in Halhul.

At the Dura-Al fawwar junction, we can still see the sheds of the vegetable stalls that were destroyed by the army.

Hebron: The new checkpoints are functioning - a suffocating belt around the center which was once full of life, which is now a depressing place, with Palestinian houses whose doors have been blocked, demolished houses, checkpoints every 20 meters, apartheid streets and a few settlers and the House of the Cave and the House of Contention.

Kafisha checkpoint: We pass without a question. Later on, it is still a Zion road to which the locals do not enter by car. They tell us that settlers pass through at night and harass them.

The synagogue “Tent of David's vision" - seems in a better condition than before.

The Worshipers' Route - There is an IDF position: It's new to me - it was not there in the past - I tried to get out despite the rain - but the soldier immediately came over and asked us to leave, because "We are hiding the sector from him and it would be better if we did not come."

On Shuhada Street - a group with a counselor - perhaps a military preparatory program. I did not go down to hear.

Tel Rumeida – We managed to pass pass the new checkpoint above, after the cemeteries, probably because of a Red Cross car that was driving in front of us. We returned through the upper road, which, despite being outside the pillboxes and Jewish neighborhoods, is still blocked by piles of dirt, and there is no entrance for cars. Why???

We returned via Route 117: Next to the sign of the unauthorized outpost Mitzpeh Yair everyone is invited to the Daniel café.