Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Semadar and Muhammad; Translator: Natanya

Meitar is packed with parked cars and also on the sides of the road as we travel.

A visit to Susiya with Azzam. The son, Zane,  said they planted 18 olive trees. The olives are at the entrance to the family home and not as a grove.  It  looks like a statement, “this is our territory”. There is no change in the overall situation.

At the entrance to the illegal outpost Abigail stands a security vehicle and 4 people are sitting at the door of the cave where the spring is.

Umm Fakara, 5 houses under renovation.

Along the way, there are more shepherds than usual

Near the Susiya settlement at the entrance, a sign supporting Ben Gvir.

Across the road signs pointing to the communities, the caption in Arabic has been amateurishly deleted but deleted.

Along Route 317 new plantings of olive trees in the small plots.

At the Meitar checkpoint on the hill to the right is a patrol of a police vehicle  looking for illegal workers.