Northern checkpoints, Tura: all is hilu ktir (very beautiful)

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Elia L. and Ruti V. (Reporting) Marcia L., Translation

15: 30 – We passed by Machsom Barta’a in the direction of Harish Checkpoint, where we observed for a few minutes.

15:45 – Machsom Ya’bed
At this checkpoint, a Palestinian vehicle traveling in the direction of the West Bank, stopped beside us.  The driver of the car asked who we are and if it would be possible to help him with the matter of a monetary loan.  He gave thousands of shekels to a settler who ran away and disappeared.  The matter immediately raised the concern of the commander of the checkpoint and he notified us that he didn’t want the two of us to stand there, because it endangered our lives.  We began a conversation about the perception, the sensitivity and the goals at the entrance to Jenin.  We principally spoke about the gap between the entrances of the army to Jenin and our entrances. . .

His curiosity about us made him forget the prohibition and the danger, and so for more than half an hour, we observed what was going on while standing in the forbidden and dangerous zone.

16:30 – Barta’a Checkpoint
It looks like everything is proceeding as usual.  The drivers look very tired.  More than a few women passed through the place.

17:15 – Tura Checkpoint
More than five vehicles passed through in a relatively short time.  I noticed inscription over the shed at Tura:  Hilu k’tir hilu (“Very nice.”)  It would be interesting to know what it means.