Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Tammy R. and Hannah H. Reporting: Marcia L., Translation

06:00 – Barta’a Checkpoint

Today is the last day of Ramadan.  Tomorrow Eid-al-Fitr begins.  Few people leave for work.  There are people returning to the West Bank from their night shifts in the Seamline  Zone.  A resident from the Bedouin encampment next to Anin Checkpoint walks with us down the sleeveinfo-icon (the enclosed passage leading to the terminal) in order to buy pastries at the kiosk.  However, the kiosk is also closed today and the curtains put up for the period of Ramadan were already lowered.

There are 3 windows open in the terminal, of which only 2 are operational.  We meet B., who tells us that the factories in the industrial area of Shahak are in crisis. In the carpet factory, for instance, production and marketing have been hurt and about 25% of the workers were fired. They also shortened the workday.

06:30 – Tura Checkpoint

Soldiers stand in front of the locked gate with their equipment and try their best to open the gate. The key snaps in the lock and they are waiting for help. The help comes at 06:50 with large iron-cutting scissors.

The checkpoint begins to function at 07:00 and about 20 people enter immediately to the inspection room.

Suddenly there is an alertness signal, all the soldiers put on their helmets and-- nothing; quiet; calm.

The first worker leaves for the Seamline Zone and 07:05; the few cars also begin to pass through quickly in both directions at 07:06