Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Sa'ir, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Michal T.; Translator: Mike S.

The South Hebron Hills

We leave home at midday due to the constraints of Ramadan. It is extremely hot today.

Immediately after the Meitar checkpoint, on the first section of Road No 60, policemen protected by the army stop a car with Israeli number-plates and remove Palestinians from it – only to check that everything is in order : licenses, ownership etc.

That’s how it always is here M explains when I ask him why the army has to be there with the police.

Because of time limitations we drive to Shuyukh-Sa’ir without entering Hebron, and return via Road No 317. 

Along the whole length of Road No 60 all the blocks are open, and all the entrances to Hebron are operating as usual. 

In Sham'a the new neighbourhood has been completed.  Also in Otniel the building of a new suburb is advertised.  The main point is that the Israeli People should know that there are no building permits in the settlements.

In a spring, which is almost dry, next to the entrance to Al-Pawwar ,people are trying to fill bottles with water. . .

The entrance to Shuyukh and from there to Hebron is also open but the concrete blocks with the Israeli flag painted on them still “decorate” the entrance. 

On Road No 317, it is possible to see that the main entrances to Yatta are open today but precisely those which are improvised on the cliff are blocked again and again with piles of stones.  One can see exactly  the struggle by the authorities to close each time anew  what the people are opening in order to enter and leave when the gatesinfo-icon are closed.

Everyone is hurrying to go home early and complete their purchases of food for “Iftar” (the meal which ends the daily fast).

Happy holiday ?