Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), Tarqumiya

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Ruth Ben Arieh, Hagit S.S. Translator: Natanya

We wanted to enter the Hebron area via Route 358 - through Negohot, as many shifts before us have already done without problems at the checkpoint. But today, to our surprise, the soldiers at the checkpoint asked for the  IDs of  M., asked questions, and after a consultation did not allow us to enter and continue on our way. As usual, it all depends on whoever is in charge.  We had to switch our route which led us to the Tarkumiya crossing, and from there to Hebron. Here the entry was smooth.

Ruth - the new "trainee" - had the opportunity to see Palestinians being checked also  with dogs and see the huge amount of vehicles in the parking lot and see in general what the passage is like.

We went to visit the Jaber family who lives  at the foot of Kiryat Arba. They  hosted  us in their shared home which contains a large number of people. Two  of the brothers sat with us and the old people, a daughter and daughter-in-law and small grandchildren who all greeted us happily.

The brothers in good  good Hebrew, especially Yosri, talked about their troubles: A month ago grapes were stolen from their vineyard  worth NIS 15,000. Part of the grapes  harvested - the thieves threw to the ground.  In a plot which is further away they steal everything….About $ 50,000 a year. They file complaints to the police and the DCO but no answers..The main consideration of the DCO, according to them, is the security of the settlers of Kiryat Arba and the Porcelain Hill. In their estimation of the expected crop of 15,000 tons from the vineyard, maybe 1000 kg remain. They are given permission to enter their territory only for a few days, and therefore they cannot carry out  the necessary work.

Kiryat Arba sits on their father's 40 acres, and they have papers to prove it. The Mekorot water supply was cut off long ago and the Hebron municipality said they would supply them with better water and electricity. They are currently using a small generator that they have purchased and are suffering from very weak electricity.  Sometimes  for hours there is no electricity at all.

We bought cauliflower straight from the beautiful and well-groomed field. On our way back - this time towards the Meitar crossing we passed the cultivated vegetable fields along the road. In the past, farmers used to erect sheds near the road and sell their produce as we have already heard  in the past - but the stalls were demolished. There is no explanation, motivation for this bullying! We saw 2-3 minimal sheds trying out their luck. but we also saw a military jeep parked next to them, fearing it would allow this to happen.

The Dura-El-Fawwar junction - open in both directions.