Fuqeiqis, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Lea; Translator: Natanya

1. M. reportas what he was told from eye witnesses: Early this morning, the Border Police ambushed the illegal workers,  not near the opening in the fence but behind a high concrete fence on the southeast side of the crossing. About 70 of them were arrested and also beaten.

2. Ramadan begins tomorrow, there is a lively traffic from the Negev for shopping in Dahariya. The traffic  is handled  properly - changing directions of movement of lanes according to the load.

3. The Hebron River still stinks in the area of the checkpoint.

4. At the intersections of Samu' and Dahariya, on Route 60, cameras are being put up or replaced.

5. We turn west on the road leading to A-tabaqa, Khursa, Fuqeiqis, Beit Awwa - all these thousands of Palestinians are invisible in terms of occupation, as this is the road that starts in the settlement of Adorim (Beit Dror), and then leads to Negohot A, Negohot B, and Negohot Sheep Farm. Even on the pillbox in Khursa is written "Othniel" with an arrow facing east. On the concrete blocks at the entrance to Beit Dror - Stars of David. Along the road are the remains of bus stops, where  once there was a life which was trampled here. No Palestinians = no occupation. (Most Israeli signs do not mention Palestinian cities though they do take note of the most illegal outposts)

 6. Yusuf at Khursa points to the barbed wire  which blocks his area and explains that this  injures the sheep which pass through  them. And as if a blockade near his shop was not enough, every night a checkpoint is added near the mosque to the east of it, and even occasionally during the day, to completely isolate his compound from the rest of Khursa.

7. We continue west through Fuqeiqis, and reach the compound of the Zidalla family west of Negohot A. Here, too, the policy is to isolate the compound, which is already blocked to the south by Negohot sheep farms (scary to drive on this only road that connects the family to Fuqeiqis, 14-year-old son Aiham takes advantage of our visit for a ride there ...), What's left? north! So precisely where the settlers are paving a road that will connect Negohot A to Negohot B, and  have already demolished a compound of another more northern family, claiming that they recently bought these lands. The work is usually done at night. The road is of course breaking through Palestinian lands, on which the Palestinians have the documents of ownership. When the Palestinians complain or trying to farm  their trees in the area, settlers arrive with attack dogs, backed by the army - the only place the  Palestinians  have so far managed to keep the army and the settlers away from  is their cemetery (regular tombstones + rock shelves for traditional burial). When they try to encircle their lands with a fence, the settlers destroy it. Everything is kosher when the settlers want to take  over the lands, including "archeological excavations" according to the settlers. And as part of the archeological hobby, they took from the family a large stone with holes, which was used water the sheep

Have a blessed Ramadan