Tayba Romana Checkpoint: Fences have been repaired

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Neta Golan and Shuli Bar (report and photos), translation Tal H.

Anin Agricultural checkpoint 15:05
Three people are already waiting – a pedestrian, Mahmoud’s son and Mahmoud. At the roadside his junk tractor is parked (it is now allowed to cross into the village). He has already managed to take a nap on the bench, pray and be glad to see us. Then the soldiers came (just on time, 15:15) and all three crossed. Another five pedestrians arrived and were also allowed to proceed home uninspected.

Tayibe-Roumana Agricultural Checkpoint 15:25
Mahamid sits on the red tractor and waits to cross. Nor does he hide his delight at the sight of the two Jewish ladies… The holes in the fence on both sides of the checkpoint gate have been fixed, more new barbed wire spirals were placed there, as well as above the gate itself and another two heavy concrete blocks. Defense against invading tanks? Unclear.

Privatized Barta’a Checkpoint 16:00

Regular afternoon checkpoint action, when everyone return home from work, mainly from inside Israel. Lots of new vehicles in the car-parks, lots of people, no Palestinian order-keepers but everyone manages without them, and the two coffee-bending children run to us with high hopes, and Neta does not let them down.