Etzion DCL

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Ora A.  Translation: Naomi Gal

10:45 there were only a few people in the waiting hall. Today there are no magnetic cards and probably there haven't been any yesterday. The soldier said to one of the waiting people that since there were no magnetic cards today, there would be cards tomorrow. Tomorrow, that is Tuesday, DCL is closed.

An older man said he had traffic ticket debts totaling NIS 37,000. Probably most of the debt had accumulated due to fines on late payments. We gave him a phone number to try and find out the file’s number, with which number he is to turn to Ada G., who knows her way around the entanglement of the occupation’s bureaucracy.

A man who was prevented for 15 years told us that two years ago Sylvia was able to cancel his prevention, but now he was prevented again. It is puzzling that he. of all people, is considered so dangerous, while his father, and 15 of his family members, have permits to work in Israel.

A few GSS and police-prevented people approached us and we gave them phone numbers pertinent to their cases. 

We informed two desperate young women who were waiting for magnetic cards that the soldier told someone that magnetic cards would be given tomorrow…