Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Daphna Y. and Muhammad D. Translator: Natanya

We left at 9:30 and at the Meitar checkpoint there was no usual pressure of a Sunday, the workers' parking was already full

We drove to Susiya, Route 317, there was little trafficIn Susiya we visited Azzam, who lives in a makeshift warehouse and that is how everything that remains of the village looks like ....

|He told us the history of the village and how in 1982, when the settlers arrived and built the various settlements around them (some of which were illegal buildings), the problems, harassment began. By 1986 they had already been forced out and thrown far away and many fled abroad (Jordan, Brazil and more). Several years ago, they submitted a plan for the village , invited diplomats and asked them to help  to stop the demolitions. Pressure was created and there were several discussions and meetings, but since Lieberman as defense minister, nothing has been achieved. They are constantly harassed, not allowed to use water from a pipe of which the water goes to the settlements and the trees have dried up. They use rainwater which they collect, they are not allowed to reach 80% of their land and their orchards freely and they need a permit to do so.. Whereas the settlers come to their territories with sheep which eat the wheat which the Palestinians have grown and they  prevent the Palestinians from picking their olives.

Azzam said there was a demolition order for some concrete poured between the rocks to align a surface, which  also serves as a balcony, near his warehouse / house!!! And recently, there is a settler who comes with 2 sheep and claims ownership of the area, planting all kinds of seedlings in the Palestinian territory and quarrels with them. The DCO uprooted him, because it is private land, but he continues to harass them and though  they complain, the police and soldiers do nothing. When they come to their territories to work, the settlers either complain to the army about their arrival, or lie down in front of the tractor and do not allow agricultural work.

The bullying is daily and they refrain from responding.

We were back on the road where there was now more traffic, including military vehicles.