Jordan Valley: Accompanying shepherds in February 06,07,08

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.Translation: Naomi HalstedHagar Gefen (reporting and photography), Translation: Naomi Halsted with members of the Shepherds’ Coalition

On February 6, two hours after the flocks began grazing, the settler from the adjacent outpost approached and chased the flocks to the hill above. We took pictures and stayed with the shepherds. They told us that if we hadn’t been there, the settler would have rammed their home with an ATV.

On February 8, above the village of Deir Jarir, we identified the renewal of the illegal settlement of Maale Ahuvia. In doing so, we blew our cover and we fled, with the skillful driving of Rabbi Ascherman, from a car in which four settlers with covered faces were sitting. In the Jordan Valley area, we accompanied Palestinian shepherds whom new settlers (or their supporters) threaten with violence. One of them went so far as to threaten one of the shepherd’s children with a knife.