South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Nina and Hagit S.S; Translation: Natanya

We passed by Abu Naim's vineyard which was cut down and is now empty and only the remains of dry vines remain on the ground.

We drove toward Pnei Hever following information about a new outpost. We saw only a new watchtower on a high hill.

The settlement Carmel has a massive new wall of stones, which protects and surrounds the expansion, which has grownmore and more.

On our way to visit Susya we stopped right in front of the road which enters the village, because we saw something happening across the road. We went down to them; it turns out that a family is living there in a shed which they ad built a few months ago. Yesterday the army passed by and said something about demolition, and this morning, without warning, soldiers came and destroyed the shed without a word or even submitting a form as usual. The form was given upon the  completion of the demolition. The materials of the shed were confiscated and the form states that they are in a goods warehouse in Gush Etzion. The scene is tragic, everything is thrown on the ground - mattresses, their goods, dishes, vegetables.

When we got there,  journalists from the Palestinian authority were still photographing. Later Israeli journalists also came and photographed.

But the honoring of guests goes on in spite of the happenings. Tea is made on a fire of twigs which are being gathered.

What will you do? We ask.

We'll build a shed again and we will not move. Everything from heaven. (But the woman says it's a day of despair).

The children are very sweet, turn to us and talk with a few words and hand signals. There are 10 children in the family, a babyinfo-icon about a year and a half old, and his father asks: What did this boy ever do to anyone?

He earns his living as an electrician and farmer, growing here on his own land which is his from previous generations, olives, vegetables etc.

The sun blazes down and there  is no shade. In the meantime there is an umbrella such as we have on the beach. He does not intend to go and try to reclaim what was confiscated. It will only make his life more  difficult. He used to work in Israel but now is prevented from doing so as a security risk.
The sun made it very difficult take pictures but we tried all the same.

We also heard that at Umm Fakara houses next to the mosque were destroyed. It is important  to go there in the next few days.

Hagit Sar Shalom
Hagit Sar Shalom