Report in Corona, Hebron: My sister, you’ve made my day

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Hagit bak transfer a telephon report from Hebron, Translator:  Charles K.

I telephone A. who lives on the road up to the spring in Hebron’s area H1.

He’s outside, spraying the street.  He sees two settlers on the way to immerse themselves.  Yesterday, Saturday, April 4, Palestinian children were playing ball in Tel Rumeida and settlers hit them.  He says an officer named Ya’akov separated them.  The settlers hit him as well.  A. says the soldiers are behave well.


The Palestinian Authority declared a total closureinfo-icon in Hebron.  Only food stores, pharmacies and bakeries may open, between 10 AM and 2 PM.  The Palestinian police also patrol area H1, and people violating the closure receive a NIS 500 fine.  Cash bank withdrawals are prohibited, even for those with money in their account, except for Palestinian Authority employees.  Hebron is empty, there’s absolutely no one in the street.  Not even dogs.


The biggest problem is a shortage of SIM cards for mobile phones.  A. has two daughters in Jerusalem whom he can’t call.  He asked me to help obtain SIM cards, but I have no way to assist him.


The sickness will pass, inshallah, and we’ll all learn a lesson…


He feels terrible.  He tells me that my phone call, my concern, have made his day.  My sister, he says…my sister.