Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan

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Ruthi Tuval and Marina Banai Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham
Yabed checkpoint
Yabed checkpoint
Ruti Tuval
Barta`a Reihan checkpoint
Barta`a Reihan checkpoint
Ruti Tuval

15:15 – We drove past Reihan – Barta’a Checkpoint and saw cars from the border patrol and soldiers checking cars on the way to the next checkpoint.

15:50 – Yaabed – Dotan Checkpoint

Traffic was moving and for a change the soldiers were pleasant.  A soldier was giving the thumbs up sign to drivers and a woman soldier asked where we were from.  The soldiers in the pillbox changed shifts.

15:55 – Reihan – Barta’a Checkpoint

Everything was moving.  Sami the Bedouin, the father of 16 children asked for an awning for all the drivers as well as a television set, stove, clothing, and vehicle license for himself.  He also asked for a work permit that he feels will not be granted since he served seven years in prison for being a member of the PLO.   Another worker named Ishmael asked for a work permit that the police will not grant him.

16:50 – Tura – Shaked Checkpoint

The checkpoint was completely quiet.  The soldiers were changing shifts.  A military vehicle pulled up and a woman soldier shouted, “Hey, get out of here”.  The driver sped away and they disappeared.  There are evidently all kinds of ways to say “Happy Chanukah.”