Beit Anan - Corona days report

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Ronit Ramati - telephone report; Translator: Natanya

Report in Corona days

Abed  worked for many years making pitta in the Mahane Yehuda market. Tour guides would bring tours there to see the ancient oven where the pitas were made and he would explain and demonstrate to them. He is fluent in Hebrew and proficient in what is happening in Israel. About a year and a half ago he stopped working after suffering from his  health which  made it difficult for him to stand on his feet all day. He was already 60 and a grandparent. He has worked in the market since he was a teenager.

He said he and his family were fine. Staying at home. There is a shortage of groceries. They mainly eat the pita he bakes with olive oil and za'atar, but maintain their health. The Corona  hit the nearby village of Biddu, but did not reach them.