Report in Corona days, Hebron: See you in two months with the help of God

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Hagit delivers a telephone report from Hebron. Translator Marcia L.

I call M., the son of A., the owner of a store opposite Ma’arat HaMachpele.  A. always hosts us with coffee and conversations during our observations.  M., his son, gives lectures and guides tourists.

M. is at home with all the family, and says that it is very desolate.  Everyone is shut up in their homes.  They don’t lack for food so he doesn’t go out.  Therefore, he hasn’t heard how to conduct Ramadan.

A.A. sends greetings to all the women because he and we are both in the same group of people in danger.  He thanks all who helps him in these difficult times.  We agreed to meet in another two months.  If Alla wills it.