A failed confiscation of a tractor

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;Daphna, Muhammad and a visitor; Translator: Natanyator
ואדי ראדים - אבו סאפי ובנותיו

Sunday, as usual the checkpoint is busy, parking is full ....

We drove to Abu Safi, who had told us that  two days earlier Israel Kaplan, the settler who lives  on the hill next to him, had called the police, claiming that Abu Safi was plowing in areas not his own. Police arrived and the DCO officer took his ID number and  informed him that these are state owned lands and therefore the tractor would be confiscated. It should be clear that  Abu Safi, an elderly and disabled person, cultivates all the surrounding areas on his own. He lives in Wadi Radim, with his small family (his wife and daughters), and the tractor is also his vehicle for bringing water, food for the family and animals, equipment, etc.

Luckily, there was a puncture in the wheel and they could not take the tractor.

He turned to Eyal who helps him in such cases and the plan was that today, Sunday, there would be a meeting of Abu Safi with the head of the Meitarim Council. Here they would  try to  find an solution to the "boundaries" on which all agree. We have not  received a report of the meeting.

The tension, the pressure and the threats, is felt  at all times. They  are afraid of the settlers who will come and make a mess both in the house and outside and this stresses the family and also the animals and causes damage ...

(A week ago, when his daughter was grazing, they came with an ATV, scared her and she ran home).