Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, South Hebron Hills

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Muhammad and Daphna; Translator: Natanya
הכשרת מתנחלים

We passed the Meitar checkpoint, and all the parking lots and sides of the road are full of lots of cars.

On Route 60, the entrance to Samo' is open, the entrance to Dahariya is open.

On the way to Khursa (near Tabaka and before the Fawwar Junction), there is a former fire station (Beit Dor Emergency Center) and 8 new caravans were placed there, with the name: Adorim. It turns out that settlers who come for training live there before they reach the settlements. There is a playground for children, we saw a young woman doing laundry .....And everything is surrounded by a fence.

We continued to Khursa, at the entrance a large and beautiful and marked square has been built. We visited Tawfiq, who lives near the pillbox. There is a barrier that blocks the passage towards Negohot. It does not appear to be open at all. I saw two female soldiers going to throw garbage, we talked a bit, about calm and humanity ... I told what we do in Machsomwatch. Later, Tawfiq said that they were really new and one of them was the officer of the place. He said that a month ago, with the tension of the war, one soldier, religious, quarreled with the Palestinians and cursed. Tawfiq spoke with the commander, who promised to take care of the matter and indeed they calmed down .... Tawfiq is the family contact person, if necessary, if there are any unusual events. He very much hopes that the calm will continue and so do we .....

We passed through Fawwar Junction, also open.