Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya

The passage at Meitar checkpoint is closed to workers. it is only possible for patrols  to enter and leave  the territory of the State of Israel. The workers enter through Gate 11 - a pedestrian gate - near the checkpoint there is a breach in the fence through which it is possible to pass. From 05:00 in the morning until about 08:00, we estimate that about 1500 workers pass through every day (Corona infections ???).

One of the Palestinians told us that the improvised transit area is very crowded, unsafe and dangerous. This morning two workers were run over by a vehicle that fled from the crossing point.

In the afternoon, the workers return from the southern Hebron mountain district through the two turnstiles located at the Meitar checkpoint, so it is much easier to cross safely and there is no it is not dangerous.

Nasser from A-Tuwani reports that IDF forces arrived in the late morning in the agricultural areas near Carmel settlement and close to A-Tuwani and destroyed six tents of shepherds from the southern Hebron area in the blink of an eye. The tents were set up for protection from the scorching sun over the shepherds during the hot summer days.

On the way back on Route 317 there is little vehicle traffic.

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