Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Raya and Hagit S.S.; Translator: Natanya

On the way to Hebron we see that the barrier at Dura El Fawwar has been removed. The traffic flows.

Hebron. A quick look at the House of Contention which is as always being guarded by some bored soldiers. In the street below garages and shops which have to move from the Kapisha neighborhood are being to organize themselves. This is because of the checkpoint which is being built in the road which leads to the area.

At 'Abed's sit a group of Jewish tourists and Yehuda of Breaking the Silence is explaining the situation to  them.

Tel Rumeida. The Parachutist division mans the post and there are two captains with them (one of  them is a sergeant). We do not remember this from the past. It seems that since the episode of the shooting soldier things have changes. We are not allowed to continue our shift to the top of the hill. Under the  checkpoint is the home of Imad Abu Shamsiye, (the photographer from Btselem who videoed the scene.

It seems that the army is being careful because of riots and only after a clarification with the  captain are we allowed to visit  him in his home on condition that we do not go on to the roof. This is  the roof on which the settlers used to  throw stones. Today it is guarded with a large net. We found no one at  home.

Continuing we saw the beginning of the checkpoint which is being built in the Kapisha neighborhood. In the meantime we can buy labane and salty goats cheese.