Reihan, Shaked, Sun 18.1.09, Afternoon

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Ruthy T. and Hanna H. (reporting)

Translation: Devorah K.

15.10 Shaked CP
The CP is quiet; one car goes through from the West Bank to the seamline zone and one goes through to the West Bank - the inspection is quick.

Two students are returning from the seamline zone. The soldiers are bored and look through binoculars in the direction of the village.

15.30 - Reihan CP
There are no pickup trucks with goods in the lower parking lot. In the compound five trucks are being inspected; three go on their way at 15.40.
One passenger car is being inspected in the shed -- the inspection lasts for 15 minutes. A number of women and children arrive at the CP from the West Bank and go out to the upper parking lot after 25 minutes.

15.40  - Workers are beginning to arrive at the CP and we go down in the sleeveinfo-icon. Near the entrance to the terminal there is now a partition that separates the women from the men. But, all those going through from the West Bank and from the seamline zone are packed into the same turnstile, which, from time to time, shuts automatically and imprisons a few of those going through.  Inside the terminal only one window is in operation for people going in both directions. And now there are many people coming through from the West Bank, especially women with children.

We hear a babyinfo-icon crying in the terminal -- the baby comes out with his mother after ten minutes.

A group of young men - illegal sojourners (in Israel) - arrive from the seamline zone, and they
 are detained. The documents are inspected and six of the men go on to the West Bank while three others are held and we do not know if they did go through in the end.

16.00 Many workers are now arriving at the CP, forty per minute. They enter the terminal in groups of ten. Outside a long queue forms and we remind Ron that it would be a good idea to open an additional window; and indeed at 16.30 another window is opened.