'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Thu 4.12.08, Morning

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Rachel A. T., Tamar Sh. Translation: Galia S.

06:50 – Qalqiliya checkpoint is completely


10:00 – All is quiet. There is no line
and the vehicles pass quickly.

Jubara (the Figs Checkpoint) 

10:15 – When we get to Jubara, a major
approaches us. We ask him to open the gate for us but he answers that
it needs the permission of the brigade. Saying that the gate is opened
for us every day doesn't help. He tries to discourage us by saying that
it might take a long time – "not 2 minutes, maybe 15). We answer
calmly that we can wait and, actually, within 2 minutes the gate is
opened. In addition to the iron gate, there is now an upwards going
barrier there.

All is quiet at Ar-Ras. The soldiers
here are reservists who say "what does this place have to do with
us?" They let the cars pass almost without inspection.

10:35 – We are at Jubara again. Two
vehicles of the police and the border police are standing next to six
"illegals" [in Israel without a residence permission].