Reihan, Wed 15.10.08, Morning

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Translation; Yael Bassis-Student
09:45 - Rihan checkpoint -
Two private cars are under inspection on the side of the Seam Line zone . With in ten minutes they are on their way to the West Bank.
At the Palestinian car park area 12 (!) loaded pickup trucks are awaiting inspection. With in ten minutes four of which drove inside for inspection that took an hour and a half.
During the inspection a drill took place, the checkpoint had closed, inspectors, security guards as well as Palestinians were ordered to get away.
While the above is taking place, four more pickup trucks arrived at site and again there are 12 vehicles in line.
One of the drivers complains that on Sunday he had to wait from 07:00 am to 7:00 pm for his vehicle's inspection.
During my shift, when the checkpoint closed down , the gate of the terminal on the side going from the West bank to the Seam line zone, closed down as well.
The female inspector at the booth by the gate said that the closureinfo-icon would be for two minutes while in fact it was closed for half an hour.

- I leave the checkpoint.
The 12 pickup trucks are still waiting.