Beit Iba, Jit, Shave Shomron, Thu 11.9.08, Morning

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Rachel A and Michal S

Beit Iba

07:15 - The Jit Junction is unmanned.
07:30 - Beit Iba Checkpoint
The checkpoint is almost empty. On the way in to Nablus no check is carried out, on the way out the usual procedure pertains - removing belts, hand luggage rummaged through and sometimes foot wear has to be shod.
A porter arriving from Nablus stops to allow the soldier a glimpse over his cart and proceeds.
A bus going into Nablus stops and for five minutes the identity cards of its passengers are examined. Pedestrians going in the same direction are not checked. A quarter of an hour later a lorry carrying a load of gas cylinders from Nablus crosses the checkpoint without being checked.
Around 08:00 the soldier decides to check the identifications of pedestrians going into Nablus but after two minutes stops and shuts the aperture of the position. At 08:15 we left.
08:25 - Shave Shomron Checkpoint is open allowing Israeli vehicles through as well.
At the turning from Beit Iba to Anabta a military jeep is parked.