Reihan, Shaked, Sun 31.8.08, Morning

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Chana, Yocheved
06:00 Reihan Bartaa Checkpoint
We arrived at the upper entrance to Reihan Checkpoint and found a crowd waiting. Again there were complaints about the slowness of transit, and the fact that only one window was open. They repeated the need to open the checkpoint early during Ramadan, perhaps at 04:00, because of the fast and the need to go to work early and return home early. The summer is hot and many hours without water constitute a hardshipMainly they need to open more windows so that traffic will flow. When we approached the lower gate, another window was opened, and within a few minutes scores of workers came out. That is significant. An appeal must be made to the army or the civilian management to demand the opening of more windows between 05:00 and 06:00.

It appears that the crowd waiting at the exit above the checkpoint is because employers don’t come until the last of their workers is through. In other words, they wait for the phone call, and then they come to collect everyone. Clearly any delay affects everyone. Some of the people coming out say: "it’s good you are here today. .." At 06:00 five vans drove in, but when we came back at 08:00 they were still held up by the unloading of one truck, and the thorough inspection of its cargo. The Palestinians contend that sometimes thorough unloading of every palette takes place, even though transport on palettes is supposed to be faster. Why are the arrangements different each time?

07:00 Shaked-Tura Checkpoint
The checkpoint is functioning as usual. The small children are passing without inspection. The older ones and the teachers are checked. When we arrive, 30 people are waiting, but the process goes without a hitch. The workers pass, the flock, the old man on his donkey. Here and there someone is sent into the inspection hut. Upon our return to Reihan, the matter of Ramadan was again emphasized, with the need to function like Taibe Checkpoint.

he "Park" at Reihan is developing... plants, pots, pyramids. But what about an easier life for the residents?