'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Mon 25.8.08, Morning

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Frances T., Roni S. (reporting). Translation: Deborah J.

  06:45  Eliyahu Pass

Few vehicles at the passage entering Israel. The settlers cross through speedily.
The  day laborers, as usual, wait patiently in the shade of trees. It’s difficult to see how many are still waiting. Each one take less than a minute, but the minutes add up to hours.

06:55  Qalqilya

There are no inspections, and the soldiers wave vehicles through the passage.
Across the checkpoint, at the entrance to the city, the road is paved and surfaced with asphalt, and has a landscaped divider strip between the lanes in each direction. It would be interesting to know who saw to this…? 07:15  The house at Shvut Ami [a Jewish outpost set up in the abandoned house of a Jordanian officer; the Hebrew name: “Return of My People” – ed.] is empty, but on the hill opposite, the encampment has expanded and there’s a large sign posted: “Shvut Ami” It would be interesting to know to whom the land belongs, upon which this new settlement is growing…?

09:30  Anabta

We approach the checkpoint and see that there’s a queue at the entrance to Anabta, but it disperses immediately. The vehicles pass through without being inspected. A sole pedestrian arrives, surprising the soldier by presenting his documents to be inspected.Today there are figs and sabras. 

10:00  Jubara

Quick passage.
Abu Khatem has guests, and he invites us to join them, but we continue on to Ar-Ras.

10:10 Ar-Ras

The road in the direction of Qalqilya is in terrible condition, and a big truck maneuvering its way almost overturns.

Inspection is only in the direction of Tulkarm, and very superficial.
Hot; the wildflower of autumn [“Chatzav”] has started to appear.

At the Schoolchildren’s Gate (CP 753), a civilian sedan with a goat in it goes through, much to the soldier’s glee.