Reihan, Shaked, Wed 20.8.08, Morning

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Nava R.
Translation: Devorah K.

07:45 Shaked-Tura CP
On the western side (the side of the seamline zone), two cars have been waiting for a long time for inspection . On the eastern side, 14 people can be counted near the turnstile; they too have been waiting for a long time. After I arrived, for some reason, things began to move. Within five minutes, the cars and the people started going through. After they have been waiting for about an hour, as they told me, they went through one after another in ten minutes.

08:10 I left the CP after all the people, including those who joined the queue in the meantime, had gone through.

08:20 Reihan-Barta'a CP
In the upper entrance to the terminal (on the side of the seamline zone), 8 women and three children are waiting for inspection. Outside the turnstile there are about ten people and in the course of ten minutes eight more arrive. Only one window is open to take care of them and of the many people who are arriving from the direction of the West Bank. One of those waiting tells me that yesterday there's been a wedding, or a Henna ritual, and the guests from the West Bank could not get back to their village, outside the fence. Maybe that is the reason for the queue with all the women and children.

Near the upper vehicle CP for passage to the West Bank, there were six cars waiting, some of them taxis. The many passengers were frustrated with the long wait.

In the Palestinian parking lot there were no pickup trucks. Six cars waited to go through to the seamline zone, and did indeed go through within 20 minutes. The additional cars that have arrived also went through. Relatively many people went through the turnstile and waited at the entrance to the terminal, sitting down in the entrance-sleeveinfo-icon. The security guard in the hut did his best but the problem was inside the terminal. Apparently most of the time there was only one inspection post operating; from time to time they opened a second post for a short time. For some people the passage took more than an hour, and others went through in five minutes.