Bethlehem, Mon 14.7.08, Afternoon

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Shlomit S., Yael S. (reporting). Translation: Jonathan M.

 Bethlehem, Rachel Checkpoint: We arrived on Monday earlier then usual for a shorter shift.

At about one o’clock there were more then 60 people, five of them were waiting for permits.

Three were waiting to be investigated by the GSS- for over two hours, we reported to the manager.


The Palestinians once again arranged a list of all those who needed a magnetic card. Everyone seated in the waiting hall and the soldier that was in charge of letting them into the upper hall kept ordering them to sit (even though they were already seated) and as usual he had a militaristic ton when talking to the Palestinians.


“Why don’t you just tell them to sing the Ha-Tikva”, I yelled to him and he in return said “Because of you I won’t let anyone in”.

“I’d like to see that, no one will enter because of me or will not receive their magnetic cards”, I yelled. “Yes, I would really like to see you not letting anyone in because of me”.

The soldier left and Tedsa replaced him. He asked me what had happened and I told him.

All the five Palestinians were immediately given permissions to enter, and one of those waiting for the GSS was let inside to hand in his ID.


In addition 3-5 people were allowed to enter for the magnetic cards and I hope that lieutenant Tedsa will make sure that this soldier will behave appropriately.