Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Mon 21.7.08, Morning

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Chaya A., Ada G. (reporting)

06:45 AM Checkpoint 300: A lot of people already outside, waiting to be taken to workplaces. They say that the crossing took two hours and there is crowding at the entrance on the Palestinian side.


Route 60: Traffic flowing. We drive south to Bene Naim, turn west on the road to Beit Hagai, pass the checkpoint on Liata road and back to Route 60.


10:30 AM  Etzion DCL: More than a hundred people in the waiting room. They say that up to this hour less than ten people have entered. The soldier claims that 15-20 have entered. Everything moves slowly because one computer has crashed, and a technician is working on the repair. People complain bitterly about the crowding, the time, the computers, the government, whatever. Why don’t they acquire more and better computers? Most people need magnetic cards, though some have them but they need renewing. No policeman today. Maher is on leave, a family bereavement, and has no relief before 1.8.08, so they tell us. The men are worried that they will lose their place of employment because they are not receiving magnetic cards, and cannot get permits.