Al Nashshash, Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Wed 16.4.08, Morning

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Drora and Rachel (reporting); Yoska (driver)

  6:40 am Bethlehem: Outside the CP the area is filled with workers looking for their transportation.  Inside five stations are open for checking.  At each post only five to ten people in line.  An Ecumenical man comes to the fence.  He tells us that outside at the entrance it is crowded with hundreds of men in line.  There are three metal detectors, two work well, but one is very slow.  The CP opened at 5:08 am.  The guard is prepared to answer questions and discuss the situation with us.


7:15 am Al Nashash: This usually quiet round about is crowded with people and taxis.  A UN bus picks up several men.  Someone is selling hot coffee.  Looks as if this point has become a crossroad.


8:15 amNebi Yunis: No one approaches us to ask for help.


 8:45 am  Etzion DCL: Nine men are waiting in the waiting room, all by GSS invitation and according to a specific time.  They submitted their ID's and now they wait some hours until they will be called in.  A woman tells us her doctor advises her to go to Shaarei Zedek for a specific medical problem.  We tell her to contact PHR help.