Reihan, Shaked, Sun 13.4.08, Morning

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Ruthy T. and Hannah H. (reporting)

Translation: Devorah K.

Reihan CP - 06:00
The CP is open but so far only a few people have gone through. They tell us that with the new inspection machine in the terminal, they no longer do inspection in the rooms inside. But the whole process is slowed down. When we went down into the sleeveinfo-icon, we saw a slow stream of people coming out. All of them complain and about 20 people are waiting outside the entrance to the terminal. From the terminal we hear a lot of noise, evidence of how crowded it is inside. Only one inspection post is in operation and the woman working there keeps talking on the phone, that is to say, there is a 'traffic jam' between the machine and the exit.
In the lower parking lot, there is not a single pickup truck with goods. Passenger cars from the West Bank to the seamline zone are inspected in fours, as usual.
At 06:35 one pickup truck loaded with goods arrives. This emptiness is consequent on the death of a resident of Kabatiyeh last week which has caused a great deal of tension in the region. (The results of the post mortem have not yet arrived from Abu Kabir, and it is not clear if the man was murdered or died a natural death.) In the meantime the Head of the Barta'a Council has asked the DCO not to approve the coordination (of vehicles). The buses and the taxis that usually go from Barta'a to Jenin every morning do not arrive. The lone pickup truck with goods enters the closed compound for inspection at exactly 07:00.

Shaked CP - 07:10
More than 20 people are waiting to go from the West Bank to the seamline zone. It takes five minutes to go through the inspection rooms. The old man on the donkey is also sent to the rooms today after the donkey was inspected meticulously. For a change, the little children go through today in pairs and all the schoolbags are inspected.
Two taxis with students and teachers go through from the seamline zone to the West Bank; all the passengers go through an inspection room. The passage of each  taxi with its passengers takes 30 minutes.
At 07:30 there are many pupils and they enter in bigger groups, but all the schoolbags are inspected. Three herds of sheep that waited politely on the white line were allowed through to pasture.
At 07:30 12 people are still waiting to go through to the seamline zone.

Reihan CP - 07:45
The only pickup truck with goods left for Barta'a. Only two passenger cars go through from the seamline zone to the West Bank. The people who leave the CP for the seamline zone at this time of day are very pleased with the passage, and they say they were inside the terminal for no more than five minutes. In the lower parking lot there is only one pickup truck with eggs that are being transported to Umm-el-Reihan.
At 08:30 we left.