Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Sheikh Saed, Tue 15.4.08, Morning

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Rahel W. (with two guests)

Sheikh Said was completely dead.  The road to the village was closed as usual by the yellow gatesinfo-icon.  Whoever was patrolling did not emerge from the little hut during the whole time we were there and we saw absolutely no one.  The shops were closed, no people were around, and it appeared to be a ghost town.  This might also have been because it was a terribly hot, dry day.

Abu Dis and the Cliff Hotel showed no changes at all.  The hotel is in a worse state of disrepair each time we go.  There was no activity in the Moskowitz settlement.  The only person who could be seen was the security guard.

Wadi Nar   Interestingly (and strangely) enough, the only vehicles being checked were those heading south.  Those coming north went sailing through.  There was an unusually large number of border police there -- we counted eight and there might have been even more.  During the time we were there, there were no problems.