Hebron | Machsomwatch
אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר


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According to Wye Plantation Accords (1997), Hebron is divided in two: H1 is under Palestinian Authority control, H2 is under Israeli control. In Hebron there are 170,000 Palestinian citizens, 60,000 of them in H2. Between the two areas are permanent checkpointsinfo-icon, manned at all hours, preventing Palestinian movement between them and controlling passage of permit holders such as teachers and schoolchildren. Some 800 Jews live in Avraham Avinu Quarter and Tel Rumeida, on Givat HaAvot and in the wholesale market.


Checkpoints observed in H2:


  1. Bet Hameriva CP- manned with a pillbox
  2. Kapisha quarter CP (the northern side of Zion axis) - manned with a pillbox
  3. The 160 turn CP (the southern side of Zion axis) - manned with a pillbox
  4. Avraham Avinu quarter - watch station
  5. The pharmacy CP - checking inside a caravan with a magnometer
  6. Tarpat (1929) CP - checking inside a caravan with a magnometer
  7. Tel Rumeida CP - guarding station
  8. Beit Hadassah CP - guarding station

Three checkpoints around the Tomb of the Patriarchs

תעודת ההוקרה שקיבל אדריס המנוח מהישוב היהודי בחברון כשהציל יהודי מלינץ כשטעה בדרך
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