Reihan, Shaked, Sat 5.4.08, Morning

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Sarit A., Shula N. (reporting)
Translation: Yael Bassis-Student

07:20 Reihan-Barta'a checkpoint

We walked down to the lower car park area and were marveled at the slide and the other recreation elements on the way.
About 60 people crowd at the gate.
We are told that the gate was opened at 07:00, within 10 minutes all were swallowed inside and to our surprise the first started coming out 10 minutes later.
Three cars are waiting inside the inspection area. There are no other cars waiting.
We went to the entrance of the terminal. There are two  inspection posts , only one is operational at the moment.
We drove down to the to the Palestinian car park area to give away the training bicycle.

08:30 Shaked-Tura Checkpoint
Gatesinfo-icon are opened. The site appears deserted. There is one truck with vegetables on the way over to the seam zone; the driver is requires to unload everything, take it for inspection and then to reload it all.
Near the checkpoint, in an olive grove there are many blue water barrels . The family appears to be working vigorously. They are planting tobacco. They water it once, and there is no need for further watering.