Falamiya South Checkpoint (935)

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Nura R., Hanna P. (reporting), Ayala S. (translating)
6:10: The farmers are already waiting, the soldiers have arrived, the gate is due to open at 6:20 - for half an hour. A farmer standing nearby complains: "the lands are ours, taken from us, fenced off, and now all sorts of gatesinfo-icon are fixed to open it up for us. Soon they'll put up a gate to my house and then to my wife as well..".
The soldier opens the gates. When people get too close he scolds them: "go back". People leave the vehicles, enter to be checked and return to their vehicles.
Some 70 men arrived: 5 on donkeys, 8 tractors, 2 cars, 1 truck and 1 bike.
We left after some 20 minutes in order to get to Falamiya north but failed to find the barrier and there was no one around to inquire from.