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Observers: I. K., T. R., T. G., H. E.,
I. S.

Generally things were quiet and the soldiers cooperative with the

14:20 - a trickle of pedestrians and vehicles from both
directions – are all let through, even those with Israeli Id cards
who want to visit their families (it’s Id El Fiter holiday) without
special permits. The soldier in charge, Amir, asked that we not be
a large group so we split into 3 and 2 – at both ends of the

14:40 One Israeli Palestinian from Tira was caught 2 hours ago
driving along the Wall road (which is forbidden for all drivers
except military, we were told by soldiers) and his ID was taken by
the soldiers. We intervened and ten minutes later his ID card was
returned and he was able to go home to celebrate the

A family, father, mother, grandmother and several children who live
outside Qalqilya arrive from Qalqilya. They had been let in earlier
today, even though the women had no ID cards and now they’re not
allowed out to go home. I. helped correct a misunderstanding
between the soldier in charge and the wrong translation a Druze
soldier gave him, by translating correctly and finally the soldier
let them through.

A couple leaving Qalqilya by car came back to complain that while
checking the wife’s ID 200 NIS of hers were lost. Whether she was
mistaken or if this really happened – DCO commander Halabi
immediately arrived, summoned by the soldiers, to handle the
situation. We gave the couple a Moked card