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Abu Dis, 15:45. All quiet.
However, old canisters of gas verify stories of daily tossing (the
soldiers did not deny this, either), apparently often in the
morning when children are on their way to

Sawahre: All day total closureinfo-icon, due to a specific hot
warning. No cars can pass in either direction. Many pedestrians in
queue, and about 20-30 detaineesinfo-icon, held as punishment for having
passed "illegally" earlier (i.e., for being on the
"wrong side"). The soldiers were working reasonably, but
the atmosphere was depressing and tense. As it grew dark, all
pedestrians and detainees were let go. We tried to get home through
the old city, we were turned back. No cars at all, not even ours,
were allowed to pass. There was a lot of tension because of the