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Abu Dis: Jeep going back and
forth. People waiting on the eastern side of the wall for a chance
to pass unseen. Not much action. Some crossings at the Notre Dame
des Douleurs. On the hilltop on the northern side only children
cross. Although it is certainly possible to climb over the right
hand fill-in in the wall if you are young and able bodied, there is
no "traffic".

Sawahre: The gate was open. People and cars with valid
permits could pass, although the BPs said there was a closureinfo-icon. Not
much action. Few transits coming or going to Abu Dis and only a few
trucks from Bethlehem, with PA licenses.

Ma'ale Adumim: Few cars and few people waiting to get
through. The BP soldier there said there was no closure, but one
had to have a valid permit.