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The watch was short and
uneventful. Mainly because closureinfo-icon was even tighter than last week
(Yom Kippur eve). There was lively jumping over the wall. The
workers crossed over to the convent and disappeared there. No
soldiers and no detaineesinfo-icon. At the gate of Abu Dis all was eerily
quiet. The roaming transit minibuses remained empty.

Sawahre Almost completely quiet. Only two Tnuva trucks were waiting
to enter and allowed to go through after a wait. A few dozen
pedestrians then appeared, mostly students on their way to the Al
Quds college, but were sent back. One or two Jordanian families,
looking miserable - an old man and his daughter, a young woman with
a child and an older man on his own - on their way to the Allenby
Bridge were also allowed through. The soldiers everywhere were
tense, keeping the public at several feet distance.